Charity Foundation

founded in 2007

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Director of the Regional Boarding School, Atyrau

“We teach children mainly from low-income and large families, as well as those under guardianship. 50 of our students come from remote areas of Atyrau region. We do everything possible to create all the conditions for our students for their development, education and social adaptation. That's why we have clubs and a football section. Thanks to the help of AYALA Foundation, now we have modern audio classrooms. They allow us to conduct lessons for development of auditory perception, formation of pronunciation and help us to cover all our students with effective teaching methods. This is a great and very valuable gift, so on behalf of our entire team I thank ExxonMobil representative office for that.”

Republican School of Physics and Mathematics, Almaty, Head of Ayauly Balapan Charity Group

“For two years of tutoring by RSPM students to high school pupils from boarding schools, I can note that our children have become more disciplined and responsible. The children become friends with their students and this helped to get very good results. We started a tutoring project with AYALA Foundation offline. But then, due to the pandemic, we moved to online training and then our pupils set their own class schedule, because it was important for them to build an uninterrupted process. This tutoring helped the kids a lot: they were able to enter into the colleges they wanted to go to. Many children came and thanked us. We also received gratitude from the management of the boarding schools. We are pleased with this interesting experience and will continue it. As for my part, I want to thank Aidan Suleimenova, the President of AYALA Foundation, for the opportunity to continue teaching children online. The Foundation purchased tablets and internet for children from boarding schools, and this allowed us to continue our classes.

A teacher of the carpentry shop, Boarding School No. 10

“Our carpentry shop is equipped with a modern workbench, a carpentry saw with a three-in-one function, a drilling and sharpening machine, two grinders, several jigsaws, drills, screwdrivers, grinders, hacksaws for metal and wood - more than 40 items in total. We plan to use them to make cutting boards, stools, tables, and to repair school wooden furniture. This workshop will help children be more concentrated and attentive in their studies. Thanks to these skills, they will enter adulthood with useful practical skills that can be applied to furniture assembly, home renovation, and perhaps a future profession.”

Director of the Regional Special (Correctional) Boarding School for Children with Hearing Impairments, Petropavlovsk

“Our boarding school celebrates its 75th anniversary this year. All these years, the activities of the teaching staff have been aimed at overcoming the consequences of deafness, developing hearing and speech, social adaptation and preparing young people with hearing impairment for independent life after leaving school. Thanks to the help of AYALA Foundation, we now have a modern audio classroom, which will make the learning process for children even more effective. We plan to conduct frontal lessons there for development of auditory perception, formation of pronunciation and conducting subject Internet Olympiads. We consider this the most productive solution, since the maximum number of children from grades 2 to 12 will be covered. On behalf of the entire team, we want to thank everyone who helped make our school’s long-standing dream come true.”

General Director of Qaganat catering chain

“I am very care about the future of our country. I am especially worried about the future of children from orphanages and boarding schools. I myself grew up without a mother and from my own experience I was convinced that the formula “there are difficulties - there are skills, there are no difficulties - there are no skills” - works very well. For its part, Qaganat will teach and prepare children to choose a profession. Let's help them develop diligence and this will make easier to them to live in our large and complex adult life. I am very pleased to cooperate with AYALA Foundation on the career guidance project. AYALA is our long-time partner, so I fully rely on their expertise. If graduates of our program become professionals and work in public catering, I will be only happy!”

Director of Municipal Public Institution "Cabinet of Psychological and Pedagogical Correction No. 1", Nur-Sultan

“We work closely with speech therapists and psychologists and have noticed that TOMATIS therapy shows results from the first sessions. Unlike other methods, it uses an individual approach, is not tied to a computer, and does not require any special conditions. “Our children and the positive changes that have occurred in their development support the effectiveness of this method. Therefore, I want to thank AYALA Charity Foundation, KATCO and Kamkor Management companies for this excellent equipment. This is an important and necessary tool for correcting disorders in children with special educational needs.”

General Director of KATCO Company

“At KATCO we are always ready to support good initiatives of AYALA Foundation. Purchasing TomatisTalksUp equipment to help hearing-impaired children is a good investment in their future. I think it’s very important to support children who find themselves in difficult situations.”

Head of Educational Work, Boarding School No. 10

“Thanks to the help of AYALA Foundation, the opportunities for the children of our boarding school have expanded significantly. We cover a wider range of practical opportunities for students. In the carpentry workshop, children study with great interest. They acquire purely men’s skills that are useful in everyday life.”

Director of Municipal Public Institution "Cabinet of Psychological and Pedagogical Correction No. 1", Nur-Sultan

“We work closely with speech therapists and psychologists and have noticed that TOMATIS therapy shows results from the first sessions. Unlike other methods, it uses an individual approach, is not tied to a computer, and does not require any special conditions. “Our children and the positive changes that have occurred in their development support the effectiveness of this method. Therefore, I want to thank AYALA Charity Foundation, KATCO and Kamkor Management companies for this excellent equipment. This is an important and necessary tool for correcting disorders in children with special educational needs.”

Acting Director of the Cabinet of Psychological and Pedagogical Correction No. 3 of the Education Department of Karaganda Region

“Any sponsorship is very important to us, since we are a young organization, we have been working just for three years. Therefore, we express our deep gratitude to AYALA Charity Foundation and the ArcelorMittal Temirtau company for their assistance in training using the TOMATIS method and in purchasing this equipment. We educate children with special educational needs and various diagnoses. In Karaganda, only 5 specialists were trained in this method, so this is a huge honor and opportunity for us. This is the second time that the ArcelorMittal Temirtau company has provided us with the opportunity to purchase equipment for us. We really hope that we will continue to participate in such joint projects in the future. Thank you!"

Deputy Director of Special Boarding School No. 5 for children with severe speech impairments, Temirtau

“Small but very valuable, like a diamond, the TOMATIS device is intended for stimulating the cerebral cortex. This is very useful and beautiful, because the stimulation comes through specially processed Mozart music. The organizer of this good act was our long-time friend, AYALA Charity Foundation, which has been paying attention and care to the health of our children for many years. The sponsor was our kind, strong and noble neighbor - ArcellorMittal Temirtau Company.”

Director of the Children's Home for Children with Special Education Needs, Karaganda Region

The career guidance development of our children is our regular activity. We already have a photo and video workshop. Children shoot video, learn how to edit it, make videos, they are already excellent photographers and know the basics of computer image processing. Last year, with the help of AYALA Foundation, we got a room for cooking training. Our students love it very much: they cook and bake there almost every day. And, of course, for a very long time we dreamed of opening a hairdressing salon in our orphanage. Career guidance classes in the workshops are conducted by both our full-time teachers and invited professionals on a voluntary basis. In the hairdressing workshop, a full-time employee works with children, trains them in the basics of haircuts, to improve their skills and to correct use of tools. We also want to invite volunteers to teach the basics of manicure. Career guidance is very important and necessary, because it gives children practical life skills so that they can be independent and set up in their adult life. Many thanks to AYALA Charity Foundation and ORIFLAME company for this opportunity!

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050040, Al-Farabi avenue 77/7
Esentai Tower multi-functional facility, Fl. 9

Tel.: +7 (727) 327 60 43

Tel.: +7 (727) 356 17 38

Fax: +7 (727) 356 17 59

Mob.: +7 (702) 808 33 23

E-mail: info@ayala.kz

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