Charity Foundation

founded in 2007

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The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the AYALA Charity Foundation. It is aimed at implementing joint actions to implement the Career Guidance project. The parties agreed on cooperation and interaction in promoting this project using available information and organizational resources.

The memorandum signed between the RoK MES and the AYALA Foundation confirms the intention of the parties to cooperate in creating conditions for the implementation of the Career Guidance project, in informing children of orphanages, students of boarding schools for children from low-income families, from specialized boarding schools about the opportunities of the Career Guidance project , as well as assist in attracting representatives of orphanages and boarding schools to cooperate with the Foundation.

The Committee for the Protection of Children’s Rights of the RoK MES noted that cooperation with the AYALA Foundation is useful for the exchange of experience, as well as in the development of vocational guidance and development programs for children from socially vulnerable sections of the country’s population.

The AYALA Charity Foundation has been implementing the Career Guidance project for 10 years. The project’s goal is to help children from orphanages and boarding schools in their social adaptation.

“We would like for teenagers from these educational institutions, to have useful practical skills after graduation that will help them continue to study and develop professionally, and in the future, find work. For this purpose, we organize courses, provide practical training, and help them with tutoring. This approach allows children to get an idea of choosing a future specialty even in high school. More than 1,000 teenagers have already completed our career guidance training. Dozens of children consciously chose colleges after attending classes organized by the Foundation,” noted Aidan Suleimenova, president of the AYALA Foundation.

For 10 years, AYALA Foundation organized 17 courses, opened 23 special workshops, and attracted dozens of excellent and caring professionals as volunteer teachers. We trained 5 teenagers in hairdressing, and one of them is already working in a barber salon in Almaty. More than 100 children were trained in sewing skills. Same number attended courses in preparing European dishes at home, after which they decided to enroll in specialized colleges.

The Foundation attracted more than 30 students from the Republilcan Physics and Mathematics School named after Zhautykov as volunteer tutors. as volunteer tutors. They helped prepare dozens of high school students from 3 Almaty boarding schools to take entrance tests in mathematics, physics and chemistry. AYALA separately oversees the admission of boarding school students to the specialized Arystan military lyceum. Thanks to this, 5 high school students are already studying at this institution. 17 teenagers from 2 boarding schools and the Almaty Oblast Orphanage completed professional courses in website development, makeup artistry, video blogging and journalism Since 2018, the Foundation has been helping Samsung in implementing the national educational project Coding Lab, which has helped teach free programming for developing mobile applications to more than 200 high school students and students, including those from remote areas of the country.

“We are glad that the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan was interested in our experience. We hope to be useful to the state and the younger generation of our country and to provide for this the resources, knowledge and competencies accumulated within the framework of the Career Guidance project,” stressed Aidan Suleimenova.


050040, Al-Farabi avenue 77/7
Esentai Tower multi-functional facility, Fl. 9

Tel.: +7 (727) 327 60 43

Tel.: +7 (727) 356 17 38

Fax: +7 (727) 356 17 59

Mob.: +7 (702) 808 33 23

E-mail: info@ayala.kz

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