Charity Foundation

founded in 2007

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«At the 11th Civil Forum which was held on October 19 in the capital, Aidan Tuleutayevna Suleimenova, Founder and President of AYALA Charity Foundation, was awarded an honorary award in the field of charitable activities. The medal received from the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan recognized the high efficiency and effectiveness of the Foundation’s projects implemented for children’s healthcare and in career guidance for adolescents. AYALA was selected in the Charity Foundation nomination out of 55 nominees.

In the address to the participants of the Civil Forum, the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Kemelevich Tokayev noted that non-governmental and charitable organizations, civil activists and volunteers show personal involvement in the fate of the Motherland, actively participating in solving topical issues of society. They set an example of solidarity and proactive patriotism, and fully contribute to the preservation of unity and harmony in the country. Amid the large-scale transformations we carrying out, the formation of a new social ethics based on the ideas of justice and humanism, mutual trust and responsibility, law and order, the cult of knowledge and labour is of particular importance,” noted the Head of state.

AYALA Charity Foundation is the only foundation in Kazakhstan specializing in neonatology for 17 years. Its assistance to newborn children to preserve their lives and functional health covered all regions of the country. The Foundation’s projects cover more than 67 medical institutions that have received resuscitation, surgical and diagnostic equipment worth over 2.7 billion tenge. This equipment has saved the lives and health of hundreds of thousands of children. More than 1.5 thousand neonatologists and neonatal nurses are covered by skills improvement programs.

For example, from 2017 to 2022, AYALA Foundation, with the support of partners and sponsors, was able to equip a third of perinatal centres in Kazakhstan with modern hypothermia hardware packages that help doctors save hundreds of newborn children from disability every year.

From 2021 to 2023, the Foundation increased provision of Perinatal Centre with equipment for early ophthalmological screening of newborns 3.5 times, and helped the state solve the problem of visual impairment in premature babies.

As part of the ‘Let’s Breathe Life’, ‘Breathe, Baby’, ‘I Want to Live Too’ projects, AYALA Foundation has been for 10 years providing equipment for the intensive care units of perinatal centres and multidisciplinary hospitals throughout Kazakhstan for nursing premature newborns, helped in establishment of pediatric cardiac surgery, owing to which the mortality rate in premature newborns , as well as in children under one year old due to heart defects was reduced many-fold, because cardiac surgeries in children at this age have become assembly-line in our country.

Since 2007, the Foundation’s career guidance projects have covered more than 1.5 thousand teenagers, including children from low-income and large families. Also, the Foundation has been actively helping Samsung in implementing their social educational initiatives for 5 years, including free programming for high school and college students.

“I am deeply indebted to the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the high award and assessment of our contribution to the formation of the health of the nation, which we were lucky enough to receive before one of the main holidays of our country, Republic Day. For 17 years, our Foundation has been helping the state in maintaining health and increasing the intellectual potential of the nation. We will make every effort to continue to provide reliable support to the government’s key initiatives in these areas,” noted Aidan Suleimenova, Founder and President of AYALA Charity Foundation.

The Head of State expressed confidence that a fruitful partnership between the state and the non-governmental sector will become an important factor in the overall progress of our country, a powerful driving force in building Just Kazakhstan.»


050040, Al-Farabi avenue 77/7
Esentai Tower multi-functional facility, Fl. 9

Tel.: +7 (727) 327 60 43

Tel.: +7 (727) 356 17 38

Fax: +7 (727) 356 17 59

Mob.: +7 (702) 808 33 23

E-mail: info@ayala.kz

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