Charity Foundation

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One Day Clinic” Pilot Project will help the doctors to detect the fetal congenital and chromosomal pathologies operatively and accurately.

 Today, “One Day Clinic” Pilot Project has been officially launched on the basis of the Center for Perinatology and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery (CPPCS) in Almaty. The principal fetus health examination in Almaty will be available for the expectant mothers from the fetal congenital and chromosomal pathology risk group under this project. The examination will be carried out according to the algorithm of the leading European prenatal diagnostics organization Fetal Medicine Foundation within one day on the up-to-date and very accurate diagnostic equipment – the immunoassay analyzer and the powerful microscope. Previously, this examination was available in some private centers only. The reduction of the infant congenital disability level is expected in the largest city of the country in the course of this project implementation.

 “We’re striving to provide the most accurate and timely diagnosis for our patients, especially in cases when it concerns the health of the unborn child. The new method of prenatal screening which has become generally available in our center, is unique by it phenomenal speed: all examinations are carried out within one day. This allows the women to obtain the quick and very accurate results. Due to the productive cooperation of our center with the Charitable Foundation AYALA, we may provide the patients with the access to the most up-to-date methods of medical diagnostics and treatment, including the public medical aid”, — said Gulnara Nurlanovna, the Director of the Center for Perinatology and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery in Almaty.

Perinatal screening at the 12th week of pregnancy is the decisive for the detection of congenital pathologies of fetus development. The new method will help the doctors to detect the possible problems, make the decision on the further pregnancy follow-up methods and select the optimal treatment strategy timely via the immunochemical assay and cytogenetic assay of chromosomal fetus pathologies. The “One Day Clinic” was equipped with the special screening equipment by the AYALA Charitable Foundation with participation of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

 “Solving the problem of the infant disability in Kazakhstan is the one of the most principal tasks for the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan. We have opened the first “One Day Clinic” as the pilot project which will be scaled in other regions of the country with high birth rates. I would like to mention that the immunoassay analyzer, provided to the Center for Perinatology and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery (CPPCS) in Almaty, has been developed on the basis of the Nobel prize-winning unique technology. Markers used by this analyzer for prenatal screening, are the “golden standard” in the entire world. We would like to thank the company CHEVRON for its great contribution to the strengthening of the genetic health of future citizens of our country”, said Magripa Khamitova, the Director of the Maternal and Child Health Department of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Doctors of the Center for Perinatology and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery are planning to implement the perinatal screening for 10,000 pregnant women in 2024. If chromosomal pathology markers, fetal congenital pathology markers or high chromosomal pathology risk markers are obtained, the patient will be subject to invasive prenatal diagnostics in order to obtain the material for further cytogenetic test under the microscope by FISH method – the one of the most accurate advance methods of chromosomal pathology diagnosis. It detects the most common congenital pathologies – Down syndrome, Pattau syndrome, Edwards’ syndrome, Turner syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome; it has been also provided by the AYALA Charitable Foundation to the Center for Perinatology and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery (CPPCS) under the “One Day Clinic” Project.

According to the words of the social investment coordinator of Chevron Zhanar Koshpanova, the healthcare project support is the one of the social investment strategies of the company. “We have been supporting the projects of the Private Charitable Foundation AYALA for more than 15 years; its projects are implemented for the solution of actual issues of perinatal and neonatal diagnostics, qualitative medical fetus and neonatal help, improvement of the material and technical provision of perinatal and neonatal centers, as well as the professional development of neonatologists and nursing staff. We believe that the mutual efforts of our state, business and society in the field of perinatology and neonatology will increase the efficiency of preventive measures, early diagnostics and treatment of congenital and perinatal diseases, contribute to the reduction of infant mortality rate and early disablement prevention in Kazakhstan”, — said Ms. Koshpanova.

The Charitable Foundation AYALA has been helping to implement the advanced methods of diagnostics and infant congenital disability prevention into the practice of perinatal pediatric medicine for 17 years: “This problem is still very serious for our country. About 3500 children with congenital and hereditary diseases are born every year in Kazakhstan. The number of preschool children with disabilities for 6000 persons annually grows. More than 100 000 children from birth to 18 year old are disabled. I’m sure that the health of hundreds of them could be preserved. Opening of “One day Clinic” is the important milestone in the development of perinatology and provision of pregnant women in Kazakhstan with high quality medical aid. I’m sure that the new approach to the comprehensive screening of the expectant mothers will be the effective tool and will contribute to the infant disability reduction in our country”, — said Aidan Suleimenova, the Founder and President of the AYALA Charitable Foundation.   


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