Charity Foundation

founded in 2007

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The career guidance courses were conducted throughout the academic year. Children from two orphanage homes of Karaganda region and college teachers took part in them. The project was implemented by AYALA Charity Foundation with support of CUMMINS Kazakhstan.

Career guidance training for children was conducted on the basis of the workshops which were equipped with all the necessary equipment by CUMMINS Kazakhstan in 2021. They provided master classes with volunteers and standard classes with teachers on regular basis. But this was for the first time when systemic career guidance training with participation of college teachers was provided. The company provided funds for all necessary resources for such long training: to buy products for the confectionery courses, dishes for serving training, fabrics, threads and an interactive board for the sewing workshop.

“For our company, corporate social responsibility projects are among the most important areas of activity in the regions where we operate. We work in Karaganda region and are happy to provide support to help children in difficult life situations, for the development and education of children with special educational abilities. Our employees took an active part in career guidance courses: they came as volunteers, taught children, taught them how to cook, and checked how the training was going. Personal involvement in charity is a value that is supported by our entire team and company at the global level,” El Akiki Tanous Michael, Director of CUMMINS Kazakhstan, said.

27 teenagers at the Center for Support of Children with Special Educational Needs were voluntarily assigned to two educational areas: “Confectionery” and “Catering”. Teachers from the Karaganda College of Nutrition and Service taught them twice a week. From September to April, together with children, they provided training on 21 topics and organized 6 master classes. The most difficult dish that the children learned to prepare was mousse desserts which are not easy even for experienced pastry chefs. Now the training participants are preparing for their “final” exams.

“Our career guidance training is conducted entirely with a practical approach. Therefore, exams are taken for children to test their skills: they prepare and decorate confectionery products, show their skills in table setting and working with orders. Everyone who successfully completes the final test will be awarded with a certificate of completion of courses within the framework of the Career Guidance project. The certificates contain the number of training hours in the certificates”: it is 32 hours for the “Confectionery” competency and 25 hours for the “Catering” competency. We hope that these certificates will help our students in future employment in the food service system. We thank CUMMINS Kazakhstan and AYALA Charity Foundation for organizing such useful and necessary training,Daneker Saulebaevna Seisekina, Director of the Center for Support of Children with Special Educational Needs in Karaganda Region, noted.

At Tansholpan Center for Support of Children in Difficult Life Situations, 9 girls completed career guidance training at the sewing course. The total duration of the course was 134 hours. The participants learned how to cut and sew from the basic level. Now they know how to make pillowcases, potholders, cosmetic bags, aprons, and shoppers.

“The teacher worked with our girls twice a week. The girls together with the teacher started from the very basics: making a pattern, kinds of seams. Over 8 months they gradually learned to make beautiful, high-quality and useful things in everyday life from simple to complex. All girls attended the classes with pleasure, tried hard, learned perseverance and patience. We are very proud of their results and hope to continue this project next year together with AYALA Foundation and CUMMINS Kazakhstan”, Serik Eltayevich Amirkhanov, Director of Tansholpan Center, said.

The classes in two Children Support Centers were provided as part of “Career Guidance for Teenagers” project which has been implemented by AYALA Charity Foundation in Kazakhstan for more than 10 years.

“Effective charity is projects that work for years and help change life around us for the better. Career guidance for teenagers from the centers supporting children in difficult life situations in Karaganda is an excellent example of how the corporate social responsibility of CUMMINS Kazakhstan opens new opportunities for participants of our training programs. All knowledge the children get at these courses are skills useful for their future independent life, for planning the next steps in their professional training,” Aidan Suleimenova, the Founder and President of AYALA Charity Foundation, emphasized.

The Foundation President also noted that CUMMINS Kazakhstan helped to equip an audio classroom at Special Boarding School No. 3. It helps children from 1st to 4th grade study in a complete auditory-speech environment. The pupils; workplaces are equipped with remote controls with built-in microphones. The teacher can move freely around the classroom during lessons thanks to a radio microphone.

“This is already the 4th audio class that our foundation donates to special boarding schools in Kazakhstan. They have proven themselves very well. Clear and high-quality sound is transmitted through the students’ remote controls to their hearing devices or headphones from the teacher’s microphone, from the microphone of their own remote controls and microphones of the remote controls of all other students in the class. The teacher’s control panel allows him to select the presentation of material in lesson mode, lecture mode, poll students from their seats, and isolate the teacher’s voice for students from the background noise of the class. The equipment helps provide lessons as useful as possible for both the children and the teacher,” Aidan Suleimenova explained.


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